My Friday was wonderful. Found out I have a new job so Ryan and I went to Mary's to celebrate. We came home around 8:30 and I went to bed fairly early. Ryan and I both woke up a 1:00 a.m. and Ryan went to get a drink in the kitchen and found the front door wide open. Once in a awhile it doesn't latch shut. The only night I have not checked the locks. Little Kitty was gone. We got up and searched all night around the neighborhood with flashlights until 5:30 a.m. no luck. We slept an hour and then got back up when it was light and looked for several hours. Ryan put up fliers everywhere. We have had several people call but it wasn't our cat. Today we looked all day. For anyone who is a pet owner you know the heartache we are going through. Since we have no children, he was our child. He was the lovingest cat we have both ever seen. He loved us just as much as we loved him. I have cried for 48 hours it seems. My heart hurts. I know that there are much worse things that could happen. I know some of you might think "It's just a cat", but he was much more to us. He slept with me everynight. He greeted us as soon as we walked through the door. He was with us every part of the day. He would lay in the sink every morning and watch Ryan get ready for work. These little things that were so much apart of our day. I have placed a blow up bed next to our front windows so I can hear him if he comes home during the night. We aren't going to give up looking. Amongst all the other things I know we are all praying for, could you just remember him in your prayers? Just pray that God will bring Little Kitty back home. Thank you.
1 week ago