We have some new visitors this summer. Bees and Beetles. The Beetles have chewed up all of my sweet daisies. Ryan's mom suggested I buy a Beetle bag from Wal-Mart. Boy and I glad I did. Within 2 mins of putting it together and hanging it on our light post it was full of Beetles. By the end of the day I bet we had over 200 of those suckers in the bag. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with those jerky bugs. The smell that atracts them to the bag is quite similar to a Chai Latte strangely. Our other visitor is attracted to my huge lavendar bush. Bees are constantly swarming it! I enjoy them though. I like to try to take pictures of them while they are taking out the nectar. Another issue we are having is birds slamming into our bedroom and sunroom windows early in the morning. Dead birds laying around is quite gross! Anyone have any ideas to stop these kamikazi birds?
Chewed up daisies from those jerky beetles
Beetle Death Row
After about 10 mins!!!!! Crazy huh?
A view of my little flower garden
My prized lavendar bush that was a little tiny plant last year!
Bees and the lavendar
Bee Balm this smells wonderful and grows like crazy
Green eyed Suzies
Just a fun picture of my lavendar