Happy Earth Day!!!!

Just ran across these!
I can't believe I didn't post these yet. Here is Katie and I on the Zipline. It was one of our "excursions" on the cruise. I think they are pretty fun. The crew that worked here took pictures and then we had the chance to "purchase" them.
Did Hell Freeze Over?
I've been running. Yes. Like running shoes, outside on the road, sweaty, sports bra running. If you know me, you know I can't even walk a mile unless someone was dangling cake in front of me. Last week I got the urge to run strangely. This time it actually worked. I have ran a mile, yes my fitness freak friends don't laugh ( I have to start small), every night for a week. My goal is to run 2 miles by next month. Sadly, running a mile only burns about 130 calories. Because let me tell you, when I am running that mile, it feels like it should be burning at least 1500. You know what I don't get, when people say that working out makes them have more energy. Nope not me. I could run 6 miles and then jump in bed and take a nap. I am dying for some red wine right now. But my sorry legs are too tired to drive and get some. Why aren't there alcohol delivery services?
43 Miles Per Gallon.........
The Easter Bunny Came!!

My baby brother Nick, my mom, and me.
My dad was out getting the car. Sorry poppy.

My Poppy Ed, Nicky, Me, and Poppy Bill

My how a year can fly by............

There were very few children at the party. Cade was lucky to have one of her new presents all to himself!! Yes Ryan (Cade's Daddy), it's pink. But I would like to think it's just to attract the ladies....

A doll for Madalyn Grace.....

Martha's Mother...........
Same pan different night..........
Even Martha would be proud.......

Ryan at the Masters......
Laughing until it hurts.........
Cha..Cha. Cha.. Changes.......
The last 2 weeks of my life have been absolutely fabulous. You know why? Because I made a huge change. I quit my job as a pharmaceutical rep and took on a job with a incredible non-for-profit organization as their marketing coordinator. This change is something that I have been praying about for the last year. I have had a couple of job offers but the pay cut was so severe we didn't know if we could swing it. Out of nowhere this one came available and all of the benefits are more than what I had hoped for. I am reminded once again, that everything will work out in the end! I know I had some skeptics who thought I was crazy for leaving my previous job. I can't even describe how different my life is. I am HAPPY all the time!! I'm not worried, stressed, or physically ill anymore! The best part about my new job is that in our new Administration building we have a brother and sister living with us. Their names are Shadow and Salem. Yes, they are cats. While interviewing for this position, I noticed cat toys laying around the building. As soon as I was told they had cats I was sold. Also, having to say goodbye to my free company car for the past 3 years we had to buy a new one! We traded in our SUV and went green with a Hybrid. I didn't know how I would like it at first but after 2 weeks of driving it and not having to gas up yet, I love it!!!! So that's whats going on around here. Lots of changes but all for the good. I'm sooo happy and I am looking forward to starting this new aspect of my career.