Last night was the big concert. We had a great turnout! I couldn't believe how many people would just walk up to our COTA table and just write a check to donate! I met so many wonderful people last night who have huge hearts and love this family! I even met a few who didn't know them at all but just saw the sign and wanted to come! I want to say a huge thanks to the COTA team, my wonderful parents (who were ushers), my wonderful husband (who was a kick but camera guy) and my wonderful friends who came to support! I know several friends who although weren't there have been there emotionally & even financially throughout this whole process! You know who you are! Thank You!The Merchandise TableHis Photo CollageMy Parents!
Falan, Tobey and I. Their husbands were there too!
Me and the camera guy. I think I look like a horse face in this photo, but I had to include it because I was so proud of my husband!
hi. my name is jordan and i wasn't able to make it to the concert on saturday night, but was wondering if there was any way to buy any of the merchandise still?
Yes, you can put in a t-shirt order ASAP! We are working on those right now. We had a huge number of people wanting them! What size would you need? they are $ 10.00
Hi, my name is Debbie Parnell, I would like to purchase a shirt as well. I need an XL. I worked with Natalie when she was at Carterville Family Practice. How should I get the money to you? Thanks! Sorry, I wasn't able to make to the concert, my kids had a band concert. Thanks!
This is to let my daughter and son-in-law know how very proud I am of them. At the Concert everyone told me again and again what a true wonderful friend my daughter is to the deMello family. Complete strangers would tell me what a BIG heart she has. I am so touched and proud to call you my daughter. You have become a loving, caring, young woman. A mother could not ask for anything more. I am truly blessed.
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