
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I have uploaded a few of my favorite shots of the weekend. It's so sad when it's all over with. The house seems a little less magical doesn't? I refuse to put up my decorations until after New Years. We are having out of town guests over for New Years Eve and that weekend. Then I will begrudgingly take the decor down.

Me, Mom, Poppy, Nick, Ryan

Mom, Nick, and Me
Sami and I
A couple of years ago, we used to look identical. Now, we are barely looking like sisters!! She can always pull off a fun hair color. Too bad I'm not that brave.

Ryan carving the 3 turkeys he cooked!

Christmas morning, I got a wonderful Vegetarian cookbook! Loved it! I also got a new digital camera for "my blogging", Ryan said.

Ryan loves to pose.

Dave, Angie, Kyle, Me, and Ryan on Christmas Eve right after Mass. We went to the 5:30 mass and it was so packed that we had to sit behind the alter. We couldn't see anything but we could still hear. The music was amazing!!!!

The night before Christmas Eve. We went out to see some out of town friends.


The Parrish Family said...

Great pictures. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!