Alright, let me explain to you all why I have been MIA lately........
This was me 5 weeks ago.....
The picture is a wonderful memory of what it feels like to feel GOOD. For the past 5 weeks, I have been sick, sick, and sick. I haven't cooked, cleaned, or got off the couch on the weekend since this picture was taken! Well, that's how I feel anyway. So there's my excuse as to why I haven't posted!! Do any of you have any idea's as to how I can kick or curb my 24 hour a day sickness? I did try Zofran. It worked amazingly well the first day I took it. After that, the damn morning sickness invited itself back! I'm still taking it with hopes that some magic happens!!
I have many more posts to come! I have been snapping pictures throughout the past month. We also have videos of our families when we told them that I am going to post!! Stay tuned. Please let me know if you have any pointers for my nausea. Thanks for sticking with me through my hiatus!!
I KNEW it! I had a feeling that was going to be your fun post :) I am so excited for you guys! Sorry about the morning sickness, but how fabulous!!! Can't wait to hear all about this new adventure! So... for our wine trail rendezvous this spring, we'll have some virgin sangria (if there is such a thing?!?) for you! :)
I'm so excited for you! I know someone who said half an Ambien got rid of the sickness. Of course check with your doctor but that was what she said helped. She was also sick all day every day and none of the medicine they gave her worked. Good luck! I can't wait to see how cute your nursery and baby crafts are going to be.
OOPS, actually it was half a unisom. she said that and B6 before bed helped a little :)
Yahhhhhh! We are so ready for a Baby Farley. Jackie needs a little friend and I need a niece or a nephew. I know it's hard to imagine now, but the sickness will end soon and it will be smooth sailing. Believe it or not, it actually gets fun being pregnant. But enjoy the entire ride. It is one of the most special of your life! ;)
Sooo glad you finally posted! I was about to die! Not being able to tell everyone was very hard. So excited for you and Ryan. And being "grandma" for the first time is over the top! Katie's right, the 24 hour sickness will pass soon and hopefully you can start enjoying being pregant. Love you very much!!!
YAYAYAYAY!!!! This was my guess as to why you weren't posting :)
Hopefully we'll have a kroger run-in soon so I can see your cute belly!
Congrats! Melissa, how exciting for you both!! I hope the sickness passes soon so you can enjoy this special time!! -Melinda
Congratulations! We're so happy for you and Ryan. I know the grandmas must be over the moon! There's nothing quite like seeing your child bring a new life into the world...and there's nothing like being a "Grammy!"
Congratulations! So excited for you both and looking forward to watching your journey unfold on the blog! As for the morning sickness, I had it all the time, nearly the entire 9 months with all of my pregnancies. The only thing that would get me through was Zofran. However, you have to stay ahead of it. When my morning sickness was at its worse, my doctor had me taking the Zofran around the clock, whether I felt sick or not. I think that was really the key with it. If you wait until you're already sick, it's hard to get ahead of it. You can also change your dosage. A small dose is 4 mg but you can go up to 8 mg. Hope that helps you a little bit and you start feeling better soon! Feel free to email me if you have any questions! I'm an expert on morning sickness! lol
Congrats! That is so very exciting and I'm so happy for you! As far as the sickness I feel for you. I was SO sick with Gavin, and I wasn't great with Adyson either.. but both times it ended around 16 weeks. SO I will pray for you that it is over soon. I too used Zofran, and it was a miracle. Also try lemons, sniffing lemons and ginger. They say those are "natural" ways to lessen the nausea? Can't wait to see your belly grow!
we are so excited. Sorry melissa Grandpa Super Dave can't keep a secret!
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