Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. It seems as though Evan has consumed my life at this moment. It's strange how a little boy of 3 can relight your Faith and make you change the way you look at the world. His guestbook on his cota blog has been flooded with people, some who don't even know who he is. One person who signed it I recognized her name from a friends blog whom I have never met! It's amazing how many people have also consumed there lives with him. I have friends who are constantly texting me or calling me for updates. Most of these people have never met him but are just as worried as the rest of us. On Sunday so many people wrote about how they stood up and gave Evan's testimony and ask if the congregation would pray for him and his family. These people weren't just adults, there were children in their Sunday school classes that asked their friends to pray for him. Children, amazing how their lives too can be so touched. Last night in Natalie's words, "We almost lost him". They are currently trying to pump off 7 lbs of fluid that has caused him to go into renal failure. Right now he is in another surgery, attempting the process again just in another way. My heart goes out to Natalie and Sean. They sit up there day in and day out wondering whats around the corner for the next day. And almost 99% of the time they are always upbeat and in a good mood happy you are there to see them and Evan. One of my closest friends put on her guestbook, "Remember the song, "They are weak, but he is strong". -Yes Jesus Loves Me. What a perfect reminder. Evan, Natalie, & Sean are so weak emotionally, physically, & mentally. But we are reminded that HE is strong. This journey is mapped out already in HIS blueprints. I wonder if Evan will ever know how he brought a whole community together, revived our spirits again, and reminded us to be so thankful for the blessed lives we live. I will post again as soon as I hear back from the surgery he is in right now. Your messages on the guestbook have literally given Natalie and Sean the strength they needed to get up and go a couple more hours of this literal hell on earth. Thank you so much for your amazing words and healing prayers. Keep them coming! -Love Melissa
2 days ago
Well, after reading Sean's journal entry from a couple of days ago, I will now think twice before getting frustrated at anything my son does. There are so many things in life we take for granted. It's amazing how Evan's story has touched so many people. We will keep him in our thoughts. And as I sit in my living room and watch Cade play on the floor, I will think of Evan and pray that he and his family will get through this. Our hearts go out to the deMello family.
Thank you Beth.
I agree w/ Beth 100%. There are times when I get frustrated w/ Adyson wondering WHY... and then after this past week, when I too have hung on every blog entry from you or Natalie & Sean to see how Evan is doing that I realize just how lucky I am. When she keeps me up at night I thank god that I can hear her voice, and that she's talking and walking around. Know that there are more people than you could ever imagine praying w/ you all right now hoping that everything will turn out ok. I have thought about him and you and the family from morning until night for the past week. I will continue to pray.... please let them know people all over are thinking about them!
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