In the mornings I never know what I am going to find when I enter Wren's room. This morning I found that she had weaseled her way out of her swaddler, had scooted down 5 inches from where she had been laid, and had an intense conversation going on with her crib bumper. I sat there for several minutes listening to her chirping and oooing, wondering where the conversation was going.
If I could bottle this moment up I would. Every morning I walk in there I think to myself, another day has gone and another has started. Life is slipping by way too quickly for me. Soon I will walk to this door and there will be a sign taped to it saying, "No parents allowed". Of course I will rip it down and give her a 10 minute lecture on respect and getting a job since she feels she is capable of owning her own bedroom. But for now, I will bask in the glory of her morning conversations with her beautiful crib bumper. I love her so dearly, my little fuzzy haired wren.....

She is so precious!! What a wonderful way to wake up in the mornings. PRICELESS
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