The city that is...... It's amazing to get away from Southern Illinois and surround yourself in a city that has fun restaurants, shops, resources. You know, finer amenities. I ran into Ten Thousand Villages before I left for home this afternoon. This shop is a nonprofit fair trade organization that markets handcrafted products made by artisans from more than 130 artisan groups in 38 countries. The proceeds go back to their villages and communites. I wanted this hand woven basket and carried it around for a while. Then I saw this bag and I put the basket back. It is a hand woven bag from Bangladesh by a group of women who started weaving these bags for their community. It's huge! I can't wait to use it at the grocery store. It's better than having 7 or 8 of the fabric bags. I swear all of our groceries will fit in this one bag. I then went to Cakes on Walnut. It's a cupcake bar with very unique cupcake flavors. I got a Khalua one and a lavendar honey one. They were fantastic! So I'm finally home. It was so nice to get away even by myself! I made a lot of great contacts and did several in-services. I'm excited to see the results that might come through this trip!
2 days ago
Those cupcakes look GREAT!! It's a good thing I wasn't there.....portion control would have gone out the window. I would have ordered one in every flavor!
I so wish that would have been there when I lived there! Or maybe not, I would have gained way more than the freshman 15. It has changed so much over the years and I just love going back and seeing all the new stuff!
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